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Bibliografía sobre las escenas de banquete (parte II)

BAINES, John: "Not only with the dead: banqueting in ancient Egypt", Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Historia, 59 (2014), pp. 1-35.

GREEN, Lynda: "Some thoughts on ritual banquets at the court of Akhenaten and in the ancient Near East", en KNOPPERS, Gary N. y HIRSCH, Antoine (eds.): Egypt, Israel, and the ancient Mediterranean World: studies in honor of Donald B. Redford, pp. 203-222. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2004.

HARTLEY, Mary: "The Eighteenthh Dynasty banquet: a portal to the gods", The Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology (BARCE), 23 (2012), pp. 25-44.

MÜLLER, Miriam: "Feasts for the dead and ancestor veneration in Egyptian tradition", en HERRMANN, Virginia R. y SCHLOEN, J. David (eds.): In remembrance of me: feasting with the dead in the ancient Middle East, pp. 85-94. Chicago, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2014.

ROBINS, Gay: "Meals for the dead: the image of the deceased seated before a table of offerings in ancient Egyptian art", en DRAYCOTT, Catherine M. y STAMATOPOULOU, Maria (eds.): Dining and death: interdisciplinary perspectives on the 'funerary banquet' in ancient art, burial and belief, pp. 111-127. Lovaina, Peeters, 2016.

SMITH, Stuart Tyson: "Pharaohs, feasts, and foreigners: cooking, foodways, and agency on ancient Egypt's southern frontier", en BRAY, Tamara L. (ed.): The archaeology and politics of food and feasting in early states and empires, pp. 39-64. Nueva York, Kluwer Academic, Plenum, 2003.


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