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Bibliografía sobre la danza en el antiguo Egipto (parte II)

GRUNERT, Stefan: "Danse macabre: ein altägyptischer "Totentanz" aus Saqqara", Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (SAK), 40 (2011), pp. 113-136.

HIGH, Nicole M.: "Tänzarinnen in Papyri und auf Textilien", en FROSCHAUER, Harald y HARRAUER, Hermann (eds.): Emanzipation am Nil: Frauenleben und Frauenrecht in den Papyri, pp. 59-64. Viena, Phoibos.

KINNEY, Lesley: "The (w)nwn funerary dance in the Old Kingdom and its relationship to the dance of the mww", en KOUSOULIS, P. y LAZARIDIS, N. (eds.): Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists. Lovaina, Peeters, 2015.

-: "Music and dance", en McFARLANE, Ann y MOURAD, Anna-Latifa (eds.): Behind the scenes: daily life in Old Kingdom Egypt, pp. 53-71. Oxford, Aris and Phillips, 2012.

KRAEMER, Casper John: "A Greek element in Egyptian dancing", American Journal of Archaeology, 35 (1931), pp. 125-138.

REYNDERS, Marleen: "Musique, danse et chant dans l'Egypte ancienne", De Scriba, 4 (1995), pp. 167-189.

SOAR, Kathryn y AAMODT, Christina: Archaeological approaches to dance performance. BAR International Series. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2014.

SZPAKOWSKA, Kasia: "Feet of fury: demon warrior dancers of the New Kingdom", en LANDGRAFOVA, Renata y MYNAROVA, Jana (eds.): Rich and great: studies in honour of Anthony J. Spalinger on the occasion of his 70th Feast of Thot, pp. 313-323. Praga, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, 2016.

VAN LEPP, Jonathan: "The role of dance in funerary ritual in the Old Kingdom", en SCHOSKE, Sylvia (ed.): Akten des vierten Internationalen Ägyptologen Kongresses München 1985. Band 3: Linguistik, Philologie, Religion, pp. 385-394. Hamburgo, Buske, 1989.

VILLARINO, Céline: "La danse en Égypte ancienne", Égypte, Afrique & Orient, 40 (2005), pp. 27-34.

WALLE, Baudouin van de: "Spectacle et religion dans l'Egypte ancienne", en DUMUR, Guy (ed.): Histoire des spectacles, pp. 102-134. París, Gallimard, 1965.


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