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Bibliografía sobre Elkab

LIMME, Luc J. H.: “Elkab” en REDFORD, Donald B. (ed.): The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, vol. 1. Oxford University Press, 2001.

-: “Elkab, 1937-2007: seventy years of Belgian archaeological research”, British Museum studies in ancient Egypt and Sudan, 9 (2008), pp. 15-50.

QUIBELL, James Edward: El Kab. Londres, B. Quaritch, 1898.

TYLOR, Joseph John, CLARKE, Somers y GRIFFITH, Francis Llewellyn: Wall drawings and monuments of El Kab: The tomb of Renni. Bernard Quaritch, 1900.

TYLOR, Joseph John y GRIFFITH, Francis Llewelyn: The tomb of Paheri at El Kab. Egypt Exploration Society, 1894.

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