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Bibliografía sobre las escenas de banquete

Actualizado: 26 dic 2020

BRYAN, Betsy M.: “Memory and knowledge in Egyptian tomb painting”, en CROPPER, E. (ed.): Dialogues in Art History, from Mesopotamian to Modern: Readings for a new century. Washington, National Gallery of Art, 2009, pp. 19-39. Descargar

-: ““Just Say ‘No’”-Iconography, Context, and Meaning of a Gesture” en OPPENHEIM, Adela y GOELET, Ogden (eds.): The Art and Culture of Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honor of Dorothea Arnold, Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar (BES), vol. 19, 2015. Descargar

BUENO GUARDIA, Miriam: “La representación de la danza dentro de las escenas de banquete de las tumbas tebanas privadas de la XVIII dinastía egipcia”, Panta Rei. Revista Digital de Ciencia y Didáctica de la Historia, 2019, pp. 69-89. Descargar

DODSON, Aidan e IKRAM, Salima: The tomb in Ancient Egypt: royal and private sepulchres from the early dynastic period to the Romans. Londres, Thames & Hudson, 2008.

HARRINGTON, Nicola: Living with the dead: Ancestor worship and mortuary ritual in Ancient Egypt. Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2012.

-: “The Eighteenth Dynasty Egyptian banquet: ideals and realities” en DRAYCOTT, C. (ed.): Dining and death. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the “funerary banquet” in ancient art, burial and belief. Leuven, París, 2014. Descargar

HARTWIG, Melinda K.: Tomb painting and identity in ancient Thebes, 1419-1372 BCE. Monumenta Aegyptiaca 10, Turnhout, Brepols, 2004. Descargar

IKRAM, Salima: “Banquets” en REDFORD, Donald B. (ed.): The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, vol. 1. Oxford University Press, 2001.

KROETER, Chloe: “The sensual banquet scene: sex and senses in Eighteenth Dynasty Theban Tomb Paintings”, North Street Review: Arts and visual culture, vol. 13 (2009), pp. 47-56. Descargar

MANNICHE, Lise: “Reflections on the banquet scene”, La Peinture Égyptienne Ancienne: Un monde de signes à préserver, Actes de colloque international de Bruxelles, Bruselas, Abril de 1994. TEFNIN, Roland (ed.), Bruselas, Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, 1997. Descargar

-: “The so-called scenes of daily life in the private tombs of the Eighteenth Dynasty: an overview”, en STRUDWICK, Nigel y TAYLOR, John H. (eds.): The Theban Necropolis: past, present and future. British Museum Publications Limited, 2003.

MANZI, Liliana M. y PEREYRA, M. Violeta: “El banquete funerario y la Bella Fiesta del Valle en Tebas occidental”, NEARCO – Revista Eletrônica de Antiguidade, 7 (2014), pp. 238-259.

MORGAN, Lyvia: “Why is no one eating? The iconography of feasting in the ancient world”, Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, 7, 3 (2015), pp. 49-64. Descargar

VANDIER, Jacques: Manuel d’archéologie égyptienne. Tome IV: Bas-reliefs et peintures. Scènes de la vie quotidienne. París, Auguste et J. Picard, 1964.


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