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Bibliografía sobre la mujer en el antiguo Egipto

ASHER-GREVE, Julia M. y SWEENEY, Deborah: “On nakedness, nudity, and gender in Egyptian and Mesopotamian art”, Images and gender: contributions to the hermeneutics of reading ancient art, 2006, pp. 125-176.

BASSON, Danielle: The goddess Hathor and the women of ancient Egypt. (Tesis doctoral). Stellenbosch University, 2012.

GRAVES-BROWN, Carolyn: Dancing for Hathor: women in ancient Egypt. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2010.

ROBINS, Gay: Women in ancient Egypt. Londres, British Museum Press, 1993.

SPENCER, Patricia: “Female Dance in Ancient Egypt”, The Raqs Sharqi Society, 2005.

TEETER, Emily: “Female Musicians in Pharaonic Egypt” en MARSHALL, Kimberly (ed.): Rediscovering the Muses. Women’s Musical Traditions. Boston, Northeastern University Press, 1993.

WATTERSON, Barbara: Women in ancient Egypt. Nueva York, St. Martin’s Press, 1991.


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