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Bibliografía sobre la música en el antiguo Egipto

Actualizado: 7 mar 2021

ANDERSON, Robert D.: “Music and Dance in Pharaonic Egypt” en SASSON, Jack M.: Civilizations of the Ancient near East, vol. VI. Nueva York, Scribner’s, 1995.

BLEIBERG, Edward: “Music” en BLEIBERG, Edward (ed.): Arts and Humanities through the Eras. Ancient Egypt 2657-332 B.C.E. Thomson Gale, 2005.

BRYAN, Betsy M.: “The Etymology of Hnr “Group of Musical Performers””, Bulletin of the Egyptological Seminar (BES), 4 (1982), p. 35-54.

CASTELO RUANO, Raquel y LÓPEZ GRANDE, María José: “Instrumentos musicales egipcios”, Boletín de la Asociación Española de Orientalistas, XXV (1989), pp. 137-159. Descargar

ELWART, Dorothée y EMERIT, Sibylle: “Sound Studies and Visual Studies Applied to Ancient Egyptian Sources.” En EMERIT, Sibylle et alii (eds.): Sounding Sensory Profiles in the Ancient Near East. 2019. Descargar

EMERIT, Sibylle: “Music and musicians” en WENDRICH, Willeke et alii (eds.): UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology. Los Ángeles, 2013. Descargar

FANTECHI, Silvana E. y ZINGARELLI, Andrea P.: “Singers and musicians in New Kingdom Egypt”, Göttinger Miszellen, 186 (2002), pp. 27-35.

GONZÁLEZ SERRANO, Pilar: “La música y la danza en el antiguo Egipto”, Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie II, Historia Antigua, t. 7 (1994), pp. 401-428. Descargar

HICKMANN, Hans: “Classement et classification des flûtes, clarinettes et hautbois de l’Égypte ancienne”, Chronique d’Egypte, 26, 51 (1951), pp. 17-27.

-: “Le tambourin rectangulaire du Nouvel Empire”, Annales du service des antiquités de l’Égypte (ASAE), LXI (1951), pp. 317-222.

-: “Quelques considérations sur la danse et la musique de danse dans l’Egypte pharaonique”, Cahiers d’histoire égyptienne, V, 1953, pp. 161-173.

-: “Ägypten”, Musikgeschichte in Bildern. Leipzig, Deutscher Verlag Für Musik, 1961.

-: “Ein neuentdecktes Dokument zum Problem der altägyptischen Notation”, Acta Musicologica, 33 (1961), pp. 15-19.

LAWERGREN, Bo: “Music” en REDFORD, D. B. (ed.): The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, vol. 2. Oxford University Press, 2001.

LIEVEN, Alexandra von. “Music and Political Space in Ancient Egypt” en EICHMANN, Ricardo, HOWELL, Mark y LAWSON, Graeme (eds.): Music and Politics in the Ancient World: Exploring Identity, Agency, Stability and Change through the Records of Music Archaeology. Berlín, Edition Topoi, 2019.

MANNICHE, Lise: “Ancient Egyptian Musical Instruments”, Münchner Ägyptologische Studien, 34. Munich, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1975.

-: Music and Musicians in Ancient Egypt. Londres, British Museum Press, 1991.

NORD, Del: “The term Hnr: ‘Harem’ or ‘Musical Performers’?” en SIMPSON, William Kelly (ed.): Studies in ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Sudan: essays in honor of Dows Dunham on the occasion of his 90th birthday, June 1, 1980. Museum of Fine Arts Boston, 1981.

ONSTINE, Suzanne Lynn: “The Role of the Chantress (šmyt) in Ancient Egypt”, BAR International Series. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2005.

PULVER, Jeffrey: “The Music of Ancient Egypt”, Proceedings of the Musical Association, 48 (1921-1922), pp. 29-55.

SACHS, Curl: The history of musical instruments. Nueva York, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Publishers, 1940. Descargar

TEETER, Emily: “Female Musicians in Pharaonic Egypt” en MARSHALL, Kimberly (ed.): Rediscovering the Muses. Women’s Musical Traditions. Boston, Northeastern University Press, 1993.


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