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Bibliografía sobre templos egipcios

ALDRED, Cyril: Arte egipcio. Barcelona, Ediciones Destino, 1993.

ARNOLD, Dieter: “The temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahri” en ROEHRIG, Catharine H. (ed.): Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh. Nueva York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2005.

BARGUET, Paul: Le temple de d’Amon­ Re à Karnak. Cairo, 1962.

-: “Luxor”, Lexikon der Ägyptologie (LÄ), III (1980), col. 1103-1107.

DESROCHES NOBLECOURT, Christiane: Egyptian Wall Paintings from Tombs and Temples. Nueva York, New American Library of World Literature, 1962.

DOLINSKA, Monika: “Temples at Deir el-Bahari in the New Kingdom” en HARING, Ben y KLUG, Andrea (eds.): Ägyptologische Tempeltagung: Funktion und Gebrauch altägyptischer Tempelräume. Verlag, 2007.

GUNDLACH, Rolf: “Temples” en REDFORD, Donald B. (ed.): The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, vol. 3. Oxford University Press, 2001.

MANNICHE, Lise: El arte egipcio. Madrid, Alianza Forma, 1997.

NAVILLE, Édouard: The Temple of Deir El Bahari. 6 volúmenes. Londres, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1895-1908.

RICKE, Herbert, HUGHES, Georges R. y WENTE, Edward F.: The Beit el-Wali Temple of Ramesses II. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1967.

ROTH, Ann Macy: “Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri. Architecture as Political Statement” en ROEHRIG, Catharine H. (ed.): Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh. Nueva York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2005.

SMITH, William Stevenson: Arte y arquitectura del antiguo Egipto. Cátedra, 2009.

STRUDWICK, Nigel y STRUDWICK, Helen: Thebes in Egypt: A Guide to the Tombs and Temples of Ancient Luxor. Ithaca, Nueva York, Cornell University Press, 1999.

University of Chicago. Oriental Institute. Epigraphic Survey: Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak, Volume I. Ramses III's Temple with the Great Inclosure of Amon, Part I. Chicago, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1936.

-: Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak, Volume II. Ramses III's Temple within the Great Inclosure of Amon, Part II; and Ramses III's Temple in the Precinct of Mut. Chicago, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1936.

-: Medinet Habu, Volume V. The Temple Proper, Part I: The Portico, the Treasury, and Chapels Adjoining the First Hypostyle Hall with Marginal Material from the Forecourts. Chicago, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1957.

-: Reliefs and Inscriptions at Luxor Temple, Volume 1: The Festival Procession of Opet in the Colonnade Hall. Chicago, Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1994.

WERBROUCK, Marcelle: Le Temple d'Hatshepsout à Deir el Bahari. Bruselas, Fondation Égyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 1949.

WILKINSON, Richard H.: The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt. Londres, Thames and Hudson, 2000.


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