Hoy quiero compartir con vosotros un artículo mío publicado en la revista Birmingham Egyptology Journal en 2020 centrado en las tumbas tebanas privadas.
Título: Private burials in New Kingdom Thebes: religious belief and identity.
Autora: Miriam Bueno Guardia (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia – UNED)
Abstract: The Theban private tombs dated to the New Kingdom (c.1550-1070 BC) are monuments full of symbolism. They belonged to elite officials that wanted to preserve their memory and identity for eternity and ensure their rebirth in the afterlife. Among the functions of these tombs are the protection of the body of the deceased, the preservation of his memory and identity not only among the living but also among the dead, and to act as an instrument for their transformation in the hereafter. Through the building and decoration of these tombs, we can discern several details of the life of the deceased, his achievements and role in society, and also about Egyptian religious beliefs, their rites and gods, and about many other social, economic and artistic realities of his time. We cannot forget that these tombs have a magical function related to the mortuary cult, and the interaction between the living and the dead inside of the tombs, which were visited during some festivals celebrated in the necropolis. This paper aims to analyse these private burials in New Kingdom Thebes and their symbolism, focusing on the buildings themselves, their decoration and the activities that took place inside them. Within the decoration of these tombs, this paper will focus on the ‘scenes of daily life’, and mainly on the banquet scenes of the Eighteenth Dynasty, because their symbolism is strongly connected to the idea of rebirth, and to Egyptian religious belief.
Keywords: Theban tombs, private tombs, New Kingdom, Thebes, symbolism, tombs, identity, banquet, cult, necropolis.